Sunday, July 5, 2009

more monsters

just because it was fun. Fish man Says Blurrrb!


Marcelo Baez said...

Feels wet and yucky...GOOD WORK!

Frank kennedy said...


Douglas Holgate said...

Yeah! Creature from Black Laggon is one of my favourite old school monsters!
Nice one!

Dissapointed i couldn't make it up to Supanova this year was looking forward to catching up with you guys! (Yes you TOO Marcelo!)

Next year fingers crossed...OR of course you guys could come to Melbourne!

Frank kennedy said...

Thanks Doug,
I did keep an eye out for you at Supanova, funnily you not being there maybe why I didn't see you.
would love to catch up with you too. Sydney or melbourne maybe even Brisbane?

Frank kennedy said...

Thanks Craig.
monsters whats not to love.
their creepy and their kooky mysterious and ooky.